- Title. The Club shall be known as Maghull Rambling Club (‘the Club’) and shall be affiliated to the Ramblers Association.
- Objects. To foster and promote rambling activities and to provide social activities.
- Membership and subscriptions. Membership shall be open to any person paying the annual subscription. The subscription period shall run from 1st October of each year. Any new member joining from 1st April in any year shall pay half the current rate to 30th September of that year. The annual subscription shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting.
- Expulsion of members. Members of the Club whose conduct is inappropriate or who decline to abide by any of the Rules that may be laid down by the Club may be expelled or suspended by a meeting of the Management Committee.
- Management Committee. This shall comprise the following honorary officers of the Club:
- Chairperson.
- Up to two Vice Chairpersons [added at AGM 1 November 2007].
- Treasurer.
- Membership Secretary.
- Social Secretary.
Other members of the Club may be co-opted as and when necessary. The Management Committee shall meet as required to arrange the activities of the Club and shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
- General Meetings. A General Meeting of the Club shall be held every month at which any member may attend and discuss the activities of the Club. In addition, a Planning Meeting shall be held at least twice a year to discuss and plan the Club’s activities. Every member of the Club is entitled to attend such meetings.
- Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held not later than 30th November in each year. Notice of the meeting shall be given to members by insertion of the date and venue in the relevant programme of activities. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include:
- Receive the audited accounts for the financial year from the Treasurer.
- Receive the annual report of Activities from the Chairperson.
- Elect an honorary auditor.
- Elect the members of the Management Committee.
- Agree subscription rates for the coming year.
- Transact any other business as necessary.
Any votes at the Annual General Meeting shall be by a simple majority on a show of hands from members.
- Amendments to the Constitution. Any amendments to the Constitution may be considered only at the Annual General Meeting or by aSpecial Meeting of the Club.
- Special Meetings. A Special Meeting of the Club may be called to discuss any urgent amendments to the Constitution of the Club or any other issues of a general nature that are sufficiently urgent not to await the next Annual General Meeting. A Special Meeting of the Club must be sanctioned by at least ten members.
- Dissolution. The dissolution of the Club may be considered only at a Special Meeting or Annual General Meeting of the Club. At least one month’s notice must be given to members of the intention to hold such a meeting. The decision to dissolve the Club must be carried by at least two thirds of the members present. If the Club is to be dissolved, all debts and liabilities must first be discharged. Thereafter any surplus funds may be distributed amongst the members or transferred to another voluntary organisation with similar interests.
- Adoption. This Constitution was adopted at a General Meeting of the Club on 1 March 2005 and shall be effective from that date.
Maghull Rambling Club – Rules
The rules are as amended at a Special Meeting of the Club on 5 June 2012
- Organised walks.
- All walks organised by the Club shall have a walk leader, who must be a Club member.
- All participants on an organised walk must follow the directions of the walk leader and must not stray from the party.
- All walks shall be graded as to distance and height climbed except for easy walks with less than 300 feet of climbing) and participants should choose one that is within their capability.
- A walk leader may refuse to take anyone on a walk if they are considered to be physically incapable of undertaking the walk, and/or are unsuitably attired and/or if they may be a danger to themselves or the party.
- The walk leader’s decisions are final and the party must adhere to them.
- Children under 16 will not be allowed on a walk unless accompanied by a responsible adult.
- The walk leader and all participants should observe the Countryside Code. (A summary of the Code is inserted in the Club’s programme.)
- Any participant bringing dogs on a walk is solely responsible for them and must keep hem under close control.
- The walk leader and all participants should, as far as is reasonably possible, observe the Clubs’ Guidance for Walks.
- The Guidance for Walks shall be made available to all members in printed and electronic form and shall be published on the Club’s website.
- A leaflet giving advice and explaining responsibilities shall be made available to all participants on walks.
- Coach trips.
- All seats on coach trips should be booked in advance and the full fare paid at the time of booking.
- A standard fare will be charged. This will be determined at a Club Planning Meeting or at the Annual General Meeting.
- Non-members will be charged a supplement.
- Non-members may be refused seats if there are insufficient places available at the time of booking.
- Bookings will open at 7.30pm on the day of a General Meeting.
- Telephone bookings may be made if there are seats available after the date of the General Meeting and payment must be made before the day of the trip.
- There is no entitlement to a refund if booked seats are not taken.
- Smoking is not allowed on the coach.
- Dogs are not allowed on the coach.
- The person taking the coach bookings is entitled to a free seat on the coach.
- The law requires all coach passengers to wear seat belts when they are in the seat and the vehicle is moving. Any passenger bringing young children should provide suitable child restraints or booster seats.